About Tim

Sensible Conservative Solutions

New Hampshire needs Sensible and Thoughtful Legislators in the Statehouse NOW more than ever. With Rising Inflation, gas prices, Rent, and Healthcare costs, its time to turn to Experienced Business Leaders to Right this Ship and get Government Back On Course.

Help me Return to Concord and Fight for the Freedom every Citizen Deserves. I am a Steadfast Advocate for Government Size Reduction. Tax Burden Reduction

Individual Freedom. Right To Privacy. Healthcare Access, and Freedom of Choice. 2nd Amendment and Sportsmens’ Rights and Conservative Values

Put Tim’s Experience to Work for You!

“I ask for your vote to promote our core values. Keep New Hampshire the crown jewel of New England.”

  • No Sales or Income Tax
  • Work to Reduce Property Taxes
  • Protect Our Water
  • Defend Our Gun Rights
  • Ensure Ballot Integrity
  • No Sanctuary Cities in NH

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